The Society for Terrestrial-Alien Relations believes in the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe, that they possess superior technology and have been visiting Earth in UFO’s since the dawn of human civilization.
It is our intension to prove their existence through scientific observation, forensic investigation, and the gathering of evidence; these include, among others, UFO sightings, crop circles and alien abductions.
Our ultimate goal, however, is to be prepared for alien first contact by acquiring sufficient knowledge to be effective ambassadors of the planet Earth.
To that end, the Society for Terrestrial-Alien Relations‘ First Contact Preparedness Guide will give you the skills necessary for your first alien encounter. In it, you will learn to correctly identify and communicate with aliens. You will learn proper etiquette and safety techniques. Finally, you will learn about our state-of-the-art research facility where all aspects of extraterrestrial existence are being studied.
If you do not already have your copy of the Preparedness Guide, you can order one here. Once you have familiarized yourself with the lessons, click the Preparedness Test tab to check your work, or to get help.
Good luck! The fate of the human race may one day depend on You!